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Bethany Nixon

Front-end Developer based in the USA

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Here is a selection of my work

Massage project

In massage therapy, a trained, certified medical professional (massage therapist) manipulates the soft tissues of your body — muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin. The massage therapist uses varying degrees of pressure and movement. Massage is generally considered part of integrative medicine. Medical centers are offering it more and more as a treatment along with standard treatment. It may be used for a wide range of medical conditions. Studies of massage benefits have found massage can: Help reduce stress, Lessen pain and muscle tension, Increase relaxation & Improve immune function.

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Weather App

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." -Bilbo Baggins

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American Quarter Horse Project

American Quarter Horse, one of the oldest recognized breeds of horses in the United States. The breed originated about the 1660s as a cross between native horses of Spanish origin used by the earliest colonists and English horses imported to Virginia from about 1610. By the late 17th century, these horses were being raced successfully over quarter-mile courses in Rhode Island and Virginia, and hence received the name Quarter Horses. The Quarter Horse was bred for performance and had considerable Thoroughbred blood as well as traits of other lines. Important sires include Janus, an English Thoroughbred imported to Virginia in 1756; Steel Dust (b. 1843); and Peter McCue (b. 1895), called the most influential sire in improving the breed.

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